Are You Looking for a Diabetes Foot Clinic in Kimmage, Dublin 12?

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

114 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12, D12 TDX8

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Free Parking Available

If you have been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes it can be very important to have a Podiatrist as a part of your healthcare team. Regardless of the type, Diabetes can impact your whole body, as high blood sugars impact the various micro and macro structures in your body. This includes the nerves, soft tissues and arteries in your feet. 

We are able to detect early signs of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), which is the narrowing or blockages in the blood vessels to the lower limb, or peripheral neuropathy through in-depth clinical testing and screening. We can also help monitor and treat other relevant conditions such as Charcot foot which is the weakening of bones through nerve damage resulting in fractures or foot deformities or Diabetic Foot Ulceration. If we notice anything out of the ordinary, we will work collaboratively with your GP and other health professionals to organise further testing to ensure your optimum foot health. 

Additionally, we can help with general foot care and maintenance on a routine basis to keep your nails short and smooth and prevent build-up of corns or calluses leaving your feet feeling refreshed and decreasing the risk of infection from skin breaks. Education is key in managing your Diabetes and the foot associated risks, so book in today for an in-depth and individualised diabetic foot assessment consult specific to your situation. 

Top Rated Podiatry & Chiropody Clinic

Kimmage, Dublin 12

What Are Neurological and Vascular Assessments?...And How Do You Know If You Need One?

Our feet contain thousands of nerve endings which look after touch, pain, pressure, temperature (plus, many more) and have 2 main arteries (Tibialis Posterior and Dorsalis Pedis) that branch off into numerous other smaller vessels. This is the same for everyone, which is why all our patients can benefit from a full neurological and vascular assessment.

Everyone should have one at least every 1-2 years, however, if you have Diabetes, Cardiovascular issues, or other systemic auto immune diseases, your Podiatrist might suggest one every 6 months. Your Podiatrist will walk you through your results and let you know the next steps, while answering any questions you may have.

This testing provides us (and you!) with a more well-rounded picture of your lower limb vascular and neurological health, which is crucial when commencing sharp debridement during a general treatment. 

What Happens at a Neurological and Vascular Assessment?

It is an easy and painless process that will take about 30 minutes. You will be asked to lay down on one of our chairs and have six pressure cuffs, like those that take your blood pressure at the GP, put on your arms, ankles, and big toes.

These will then inflate, giving your podiatrist a reading that helps determine how well the blood from your heart pumps to your feet. Additionally, they will use a small doppler on your foot and ankle that lets them hear the rhythm of the blood flow within the artery.

Finally, they will complete further non-invasive and painless tests to determine your nerves sensitivity to different stimuli. Your podiatrist will then evaluate all the data and provide you with a better picture of the functionality of your nerves and your feet.

If you so wish, they can also develop it into a report for your GP or any other relevant specialist. 

Confused About Managing Diabetes and Foot Health? Let Us Help You Overcome the Confusion

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team members will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about diabetes footcare

6 Reasons To Choose South Dublin Podiatry

  • Highly qualified and experienced podiatrists: South Dublin Podiatry boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced podiatrists who are dedicated to providing top-notch foot and ankle care. Their expertise ensures that patients receive accurate diagnoses and personalised treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

  • Comprehensive range of services: Whether it's treating common foot conditions like bunions, ingrown toenails, or plantar fasciitis, or addressing more complex issues such as sports injuries or diabetic foot care, South Dublin Podiatry offers a comprehensive range of services. Patients can trust that all their foot and ankle concerns will be addressed under one roof.

  • State-of-the-art facilities and technology: South Dublin Podiatry is committed to staying at the forefront of podiatry care by investing in state-of-the-art facilities and the latest technology. This allows for more accurate assessments, advanced treatment options, and enhanced patient outcomes.

  • Patient-centered approach: At South Dublin Podiatry, patients are the top priority. The team believes in a patient-centered approach, where they listen attentively to the concerns and goals of each individual. This ensures that the treatment plan aligns with the patient's lifestyle and preferences, leading to better compliance and results.

  • Holistic and preventive care: Beyond just treating existing conditions, South Dublin Podiatry emphasises the importance of holistic and preventive care. They educate patients on proper foot care techniques and lifestyle adjustments to minimise the risk of future foot problems, promoting long-term foot health and overall well-being.

  • Positive patient reviews and testimonials: The reputation of South Dublin Podiatry speaks for itself through the positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied patients. Many individuals have shared their success stories and experiences, highlighting the clinic's commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions About Diabetes, Neurological and Vascular Assessments

What is the relationship between diabetes and foot health?

Diabetes can lead to various foot health complications due to reduced blood flow and nerve damage. It increases the risk of foot ulcers, infections, and slower wound healing. Proper foot care is essential for individuals with diabetes to prevent serious complications.

Why is foot care important for people with diabetes?

Foot care is crucial for people with diabetes to prevent diabetic foot complications such as ulcers and infections. Regular foot inspections, proper hygiene, appropriate footwear, and professional foot assessments can help identify and address issues early, reducing the risk of complications.

How often should I have a foot examination if I have diabetes?

It is recommended for individuals with diabetes to have a comprehensive foot examination at least once a year. However, those with additional risk factors or a history of foot complications may need more frequent assessments. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations.

What are some signs of foot problems in individuals with diabetes?

Signs of foot problems in individuals with diabetes may include persistent pain, tingling or numbness, changes in skin colour or temperature, sores, ulcers, swelling, and difficulty healing wounds. Any unusual or concerning symptoms should be promptly evaluated by a healthcare professional.

What is a vascular assessment for diabetes-related foot complications?

A vascular assessment involves evaluating the blood flow in the lower limbs of individuals with diabetes. It helps identify potential circulation issues that can affect wound healing and overall foot health. This assessment is typically performed by a healthcare professional trained in vascular health.

How is a vascular assessment conducted?

A vascular assessment may involve measuring blood pressure in the legs and ankles, using Doppler ultrasound to assess blood flow, and checking for pulses in the feet. These non-invasive tests help determine the adequacy of blood supply to the lower limbs.

Why is a vascular assessment important for people with diabetes?

A vascular assessment is important for people with diabetes as it helps detect any blockages or narrowing of blood vessels that can compromise foot health. Identifying circulation problems early allows for timely intervention and management to prevent or mitigate complications.

Can a vascular assessment help prevent diabetic foot complications?

Yes, a vascular assessment plays a crucial role in preventing diabetic foot complications. By identifying circulation issues, healthcare professionals can recommend appropriate interventions, such as lifestyle modifications, medication, or further specialised treatments, to optimise blood flow and promote foot health.

Are there lifestyle measures I can take to improve the vascular health of my feet?

Yes, several lifestyle measures can improve vascular health in the feet. These include regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, managing blood sugar levels, avoiding tobacco use, following a balanced diet, and practising good foot care habits. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

Where can I find a healthcare professional experienced in diabetes foot health and vascular assessments?

To find a healthcare professional experienced in diabetes foot health and vascular assessments, you can consult your primary care physician, endocrinologist, or local podiatry clinic. They can provide referrals or recommendations based on your specific needs.

Remember, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and regular assessments to maintain optimal foot health when living with diabetes.

Have Questions? Request a Call Back and Speak With Our Expert Team of Paediatric Podiatrists

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team members will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about diabetes footcare

Where To Find South Dublin Podiatry

114 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12, D12 TDX8

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Free Parking Available

114 Sundrive Rd, Kimmage, Dublin 12, D12 TDX8, Ireland

© 2023 South Dublin Podiatry